Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Do You Need a Weight Loss Tip?

There is a new feature available on the internet that provides a different weight loss tip every day and these are REAL tips about how to successfully lose weight not just the usual crap about better diet and more exercise that your normally find online.  What really impresses me is that they even include tips related to the political factors affecting weight loss like those I discussed in my book Why Is America So FAT?  They also  link over to my website where people can learn more of "The Truth" about weight loss.  You can find the tips in a box on the home page of ThermoPhenPhen.com similar to the box below:

Read More of this weight loss tip . .
If you visit http://www.thermophenphen.com/weightloss_tip_of_the_day.asp you can even find instructions for placing a box like this on your own website or blog that will give a different tip each day that you can share with your friends.  This is a tremendous resource so lets get the word out about it and help people to really lose weight and live healthy!